5. Game Design

Taken from https://learn.unity.com/tutorial/introduction-to-real-time-3d-experience-design

5.1. Design Process


Here is a template you can use to help outline

  1. Identify a problem or define an idea

    • “I want to make it easier for my architect client to visualize their design in 3D, which is not well-addressed by the solutions they’re currently trying.”

    • “We want to create a multiplayer tactical RPG.”

  2. Do market research

    • Identify the constraints facing similar products

    • Understand what makes your vvalue proposition unique from other products.

  3. Create user personas and define use cases.

    • An example persona has a background, motivations, goals, frustrations, and favorite games.

    • Design your game with your target personas in mind

  4. Refine and clarify your goals

  5. Preliminary designs

    • Creating example designs and evaluating them against the team and your personas

    • Refine the design or move in a new direction, and then repeat the example design process again

  6. Create Prototype(s)

    • Evaluate prototypes against target personas and game design requirements

    • Get user feedback from internal or external sources. (See User Testing and Feedback).

# Iterative design and development

  • After prototype is signed off and the production statge is underway the iterative cycle begins

  • Design, build, test, evaluate, refine the design.

5.2. Game Design Process Template

Game Design Process Template

Filling out this template can help organize your thoughts throughout the game design process.