Package Errors

Errors when Importing Asset Unlock: 3D Prototyping Pack

Steps Taken To Produce Error:

  1. Create a new Unity Project from the 3D Template (On Windows 10, Using Unity Version 2020.2.25f1).

  2. Open the Unity Package Manger (Window > Package Manager)

  3. Import the Asset Unlock: 3D Prototyping Pack (The package has version 1.0).

  4. Select the Install/Upgrade Option when given the prompt: This Unity Package has Package Manager dependencies.

At this point if we look in the console we see errors like the following:


GUID [d3b47ff860a51904395688d633cb1018] for asset ‘Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Editor/ShaderGraph/Templates/BuildSurfaceDescriptionInputs.template.hlsl.meta’ conflicts with:

‘Packages/com.unity.shadergraph/Editor/Generation/Templates/BuildSurfaceDescriptionInputs.template.hlsl.meta’ We can’t assign a new GUID because the asset is in an immutable folder. The asset will be ignored.

Steps Taken To Overcome Error:

  1. Open the Unity Package Manger (Window > Package Manager)

  2. In the Packages dropdown select Packages: In Project

  3. Select the Universal RP package and update the package (as of this writing updated to version 10.7.0).

Now when you select Clear in the Console window all of the error messages will disappear.