Scriptable Object Utilities

What Are Scriptable Object Utilities For?

Lets say you have a menu button that is tied to loading a scene. On the OnClick unity event you may drag a reference to a SceneManager game object and have it execute a LoadMenuScene function. When you create a new scene and drag in a new menu button you also have to add the scene manager to the scene again to get the reference. Alternatively you could add the scene manager logic to a scriptable object. You can then drag the scriptable object into the OnClick unity event without having to create a game object in the scene.

Scene Management Utilities

With this scene manager, you have access to a scriptable object with functions that can:

  • Load scenes by name or index.

  • Load scenes through scriptable object string / int variables.

Click to download ScriptableObjectSceneManagementUtilities.unitypackage.


To get the example scenes working you must add both scenes to the build settings. Navigate to File > Build Settings and click on the Add Open Scenes button after opening each scene.


This example also includes the following packages:

So when you are importing, take care to make sure things are not overwritten / duplicated if you have downloaded those packages in the past.