
Bundle Identifiers

  • Bundle IDs uniquely identify your apps.

Register A New Bundle ID for an Xcode Project

  1. Open your Xcode Project and locate the Bundle Identifier. This can be found by clicking your project on the left hand side and selecting the Signing & Capabilities tab

  2. Next visit https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/identifiers/list/bundleId

  3. Click the blue “+” button to register a new Identifier.

  4. Select App ID as the ID you want to register

  5. Enter a new description for the ID. Above the Bundle ID textbox, select the explicit option and then copy and paste in your bundle ID from your Xcode project

  6. Make sure to enable the capabilities you want for your app such as notifications and Game Center.

  7. Next click the continue button then after reviewing all of your information click the register button.